BRIEF STRATEGIC PSYCHOTHERAPY explore and intensify your Talents and Strengths, and we spend most of your time promoting what works in your life. A good part of happiness is in your own hands, will, decisions, attitudes and actions. Together we will identify them and we will work for them so that they will lead to the change you want.
BRIEF STRATEGIC PSYCHOTHERAPY helps you to focus on your development through move towards the future that you want and learning what can you do differently by using your existing Talent and Strengths, skills, strategies and ideas, rather than looking on the problem or the past.
It is very likely that in our meetings we talk about well-being, optimism, hope, resilience, positive emotions, and work and family relationships. We can also talk about the pain, the problems, but we focus on what you value most and work well in your life as a basis to take the steps to change. We will be oriented to the present and the future, being optimistic about your development.
Course to a Health Municipality, 14 hours to more than 300 people. Special emphasis on clinical verbal communication skills and team coordination.
Latest comments
06.07 | 14:21
Fantástica experiencia trabajar con un profesional de este nivel. Empático y cordial. Tremendo aporte para el desarrollo personal y laboral
12.09 | 23:38
Excelente persona, con una gran sensibilidad para ayudar a otros, puede llegar a transformar realmente en forma positiva la percepción que tememos acerca de nosotros mismos, a través del autoconocimi