Welcome to my TRAINING services for the Professional Success, through the development of TALENT and STRENGTHS. I offer you three proven methods for their efficiency and effectiveness to achieve learning goals:
- Experiential learning
- Active reviewing®
- Andragogy
In general, the main issues we can work on are:
- Leading change
- High performing teams
- Feedback
- Communication and interculturality
I've done 139 Workshops (1696 Hours) and
39 Outdoor (338 Hours).
Value-based leadership in action!
OUTDOOR leadership, teamwork and networking.
How to deal with TRAUMA during a training?
A facilitator may face situations of crisis, conflict and trauma whilst conducting a workshop. Together with Aga Lesney, we organized a 5 days seminar on this topic and obtained EU funds to carry it out. This generous support allowed us to invite and listen to the diverse experience of 25 trainers from 5 different countries in Europe (Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Poland and Romania). One of the relevant results was a kind of behavioral "algorithm" to face such a situation, with concrete steps and activities for the trainer and the group.
We wrote two articles on the subject. This article is about the theoretical characteristics of crisis, conflict and trauma situations during a training. https://epale.ec.europa.eu/pl/node/153812
This other article is a practical guide on how to deal with TRAUMA during training. https://epale.ec.europa.eu/pl/node/153813
The articles and "algorithm" are an outcome of the international seminar "Overwork the process" co-founded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
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Fantástica experiencia trabajar con un profesional de este nivel. Empático y cordial. Tremendo aporte para el desarrollo personal y laboral
Excelente persona, con una gran sensibilidad para ayudar a otros, puede llegar a transformar realmente en forma positiva la percepción que tememos acerca de nosotros mismos, a través del autoconocimi